Data Storage

1. Dataset Tab Menu

My Data

You can check and use the data that you uploaded yourself.

Upload Data

Open Data

You can use public data provided by

Using Public/Open Data

2. Configure Dataset

Features of Dataset

Get started with data right away

You must select at least one data set before it becomes active.

  • Start Labeling Creates a labeling project with a dataset of your choice.

  • Start AI Modeling Creates a training project with a dataset of your choice.

  • Start AI Verification Creates a verifying project with a dataset of your choice.

Upload Data

Users can upload data themselves. (For more information, see Datasets > Upload Data.)

Sample Template

You can view the sample data provided by and start a labelling project or an artificial intelligence development project.

Lets you refresh the data list.

Data Lists

Click on the data in the data list to view the Data Details.

Data Name

The name of the data.

Data Type

The format of that data.


The progress of the upload of that data.

Training Availability

Whether to include labeling information for that data.

Data Created

The date on which this data was uploaded.

Do you have any other questions? [email protected]

Last updated