
Start labeling Regression

1. Create Labeling Project

1. Click on the Dataset in the top navigation bar.

2. Click to select the check box on the left side of the dataset for labeling. (If the dataset is not uploaded, refer to Upload Data and upload the data.)

3. Click the Start Labeling button at the top of the data list.

4. Enter a Project Name and Project Description(optional).

5. Set the Data Category to Regression and click the Next button.

2. Perform manual labeling

  1. 1.Click on the Dataset in the top navigation bar.

  2. 2.Select the labeling project that you created in the previous step.

  3. 3.On the Dashboard tab of the labeling project, click the Start Manual Labeling button at the top.

  4. One data to (row) according to the property value of type a suitable level.

  5. Click the Save or Next button in the upper right corner of the screen.

Introducing the Image Classification Labeling Tool feature

Navigation tools and settings

  • Prev Return to the previous job data. You can modify or view labeling actions for old data.

  • Save Saves the current labeling progress.

  • Next Proceed to the next data.

  • Data Preview(Center of the screen) You can view a preview of the data you are currently working on.

  • Select the Class(Bottom of Image Preview) You can specify a class of data that you are currently working on and label it.

Do you have any other questions? [email protected]

Last updated